My friend asked me to take this here I am..........and Robb wants to feel important too so his answers are after mine.
................Foodology...................................What is your favorite salad dressing?Dorothy LynchCaesarWhat is your favorite sit-down restaurant?Hu-Hot Mongolian Grill........Robb agrees with me!!What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of it?Ice cream, definitely. Robb says PB sandwiches and Ruffles with french onion dip.What are your pizza toppings of choice?I say chicken and red onion or maybe spinach or artichoke! Robb says pepperoni, red onion, green pepper.What do you like to put on your toast?Homemade jam.Robb likes butter, then Peanut Butter. many TV's are in your house?We have 3 if you don't count the one in the van that is sitting in the garage. We have 3 because of Robb.What color is your cell phone?Mine is grey. Robb's is lime green. Do you have an Ipod?Nope, wouldn't know when to listen to it. Robb has one in the drawer.........................biology...................................................Are you right handed or left handed?We are both right. I mean right handed. I am right.Have you ever had anything removed from your body?Besides 3 baby's and all that comes with them? splinters, tonsils. teethRobb has had his wisdom teeth taken out and some moles removed. What is the last heavy item you lifted?The furniture that I was too impatient for Robb to move.Robb says "the desk Amy wanted moved!"Have you ever been knocked unconcious?
Nope. But Robb has!......................bullologoy..............................................If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?Nope. One more thing to worry about.If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I already did. To Johnson. I miss being a Castro, it was so ethnic. What do get with "Johnson?" I get Robb!Robb wants to be Bill Gates if it will get him everything.Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for a $1000.Nope. I would spend all of it on antacids and hospital bills.Robb says he would drink 2 for $2000......................Favoritology............................................Season?Fall. Robb agrees with me. Good man.Holiday?Christmas.Robb says "my birthday."Day of the week?Saturday. For Both of us.Month?I love September. Then I get to decorate my house for fall.Any month that Robb can go fishing......................Currentology...................................missing someone?My sister and mom.Robb is being too sarcastic to answer this one.Mood?Tired.Grumpy.What are you listening to?Robb being a pain.Amy asking me dumb questions. Yap Yap Yap.Current worry?My children.My cholesterol.....................randomology.............................First place you went this morning?Bathroom. Same for RobbWhat is the last movie you saw?Borne Supremecy. It's like the 10th time.Robb watched Wolverine....................other-ology................................How many pairs of flip flops to you own?None. Mine broke this summer.Robb ones one.Last time you had a run in with the cops?When I ran a stop sign if front of one. Robby was 1 year old.Robb had one in June when he got pulled over for speeding in Wyoming. He was listening to John Denver at 11 at night. He got off with a warning.Last person you hugged?My man.Robb hugged Kelbre when he put her to bed.Do you always answer your phone?Nope. That is why mankind have answering machines.If by "always" you mean 50% of the time, then yes.It's 4 in the morning and you receive a text message. Who is it?Someone who has the wrong number.It better be somebody dying. Or in jail. If you could change your eye color, what would you change it to?Green like my dad. I love my blue eys. Heavenly Father gave them to me.What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
Didn't know you could.Grape.Do you own a digital camera?
Yep. I lose it every other day.Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yep, I killed him too. I think I gave him brain damage from not cleaning histank. He started swimming backwards.Robb has a whole tank full right now getting brain damage from filth.Favorite Chrismas Song?
All of them. Not "Drummer Boy." It drive sme nuts.What's on you wish list for your birthday?Sleep! Less worry. Maybe dinner out.See cuddle question. Or Wolverine. Or some action flick with something blowing up.Can you do push-ups?
Maybe a push-up.Of course. How many do you want? I hope it is less than 10.Can you do a split?Only ice cream ones.I split my pants.Does the future make you nervous or excited?Both. I am excited to not be nervous.Religiously excited, financially nervous.Do you have any saved texts?How would you do that?Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yep. I just backed in to my neighbor's car 2 weeks ago.Yep. 2 of them. Robb slid on the ice and rear-ended someone. Then I was side-swiped by someone who was pulling into a Wendy's.Do you have an accent?
Nope. Not normally, but I can.What is the last movie to make you cry?
Just about all of them. Heck , I balled when reading abook to Aaron for school. Star Wars 3. Plans tonight?Curl up in bed and watch TV while it snows outside.See question about "cuddling" later on. Or the question about watching Wolverine (again).Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?Yep. Many times. Turns out I hadn't actually reached bottom yet.Yesterday.Name 3 things you bought yesterday.Nothing. It's the only day this week I didn't shop.Nothing.Have you ever been given roses?
Yep. By other men.Nope.Met someone who changed your life?
Yep. And then I married him. Jason Mark, President Peck and my wife.How will you bring in the new year?
I will sleep like always. Robb will ski on new years with the boys, it is tradition.Would you go back in time if you could?Only to save others.Heck ya. For financial reasonsa nd more fishingHave you ever dated someone more than a year?
Yep . For 2 1/2. Almost married him.Pre-marriage dating? No. But I still date my wife.Does anyone love you?
I sure hope so.What song do you sing in the shower?
Just the other day I was singing the hit song to "The Little Mermaid."It's different evey day.Ever had anyone sing to you?Birthday's. Mariachi Bands at Casa Bonita.Have you held hands with anyone today?
Yep, my daughter.Nope. Robb was too sick so we all stayed away from him.Do you like to cuddle?Of course.Before or after?Who was the last person you took a picture of?The virtual students in Robby's school We were on a field trip.My brother at his birthday party.Do yo like pulpy orange juice?Yuck! Why would I want to chew my juice?Robb loves the stuff!!What is something that your friends make fun of you for?That my P. Blessing tells me that my talents are dormant. Like I needed a reminder!Wearing white socks up past his knees.