Monday, June 29, 2009

Flower Girl

Kelbre was a flower girl for her Uncle Reed and Aunt Jacki's wedding. Although she wasn't too sure about getting pictures taken with the wedding party (too many strangers), she took her job as flower girl very seriously. As a matter of fact, she spent so much time laying the flowers down on the ground, that her cousin (the ring bearer) got tired of waiting for her and took off down the aisle. Kelbre's aunt Brooke came over and did her hair. She looks beautiful!

Discovering Claires

Kelbre went to the store "Claires" today for the first time. It has become her favorite place to go now. What can be better than a whole store of just "pretties?" Notice she is wearing clip-on earings.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Too many birthday's

Robby's birthday never seemed to end. Here is the final one, one week after his birthday with his friends. We decided to take him to an arcade for and unlimited 2 hour play. They had so much fun! And I didn't have to do a darn thing...Whew!

2 new Webkins.

Party before we left with Grandpa and Grandpa Johnson....

Nice face, Brent!

The trip begins!

Our first stop was in Grand Junction, CO to a KOA. We stayed in a two room cabin that was great and only $45! They even had a pool, playground and game room. I can bring my onwn sheets for that!

Friends in Faraway Places

This is Talmage, who lives next door to Abuelo. He and his sister Hattie were such a blessing. The kids played together every day! They just got a pig and he is so.. cute. He follows their dog around and really believes it is his mother!

Trip to Las Vegas

Thanks to Robb's cousin Ryan for finding us a place to eat dinner off the strip. We discovered the wondeful "In and Out burger" that we have heard about. It really so good!
Kelbre never eats burgers, so I was doubtful she would eat here. But then she explained that she wanted a Hamburger, since she doesn't like cheese and then she proceeded to eat the entire thing. I learned something new that day.

View of New York, New York across the street.

on Freemont Street.

In front of Sponge Bob at the Excalibur, where we stayed.

We had fun in Las Vegas, but wished we had planned better so we had more time. We didn't get in until almost dinner time because we got stuck in traffic. Turns out Obama was also visiting and they closed the roads for him. We decided to save some things to do in the morning but it turns out, nothing is open before 11, which is when we had to go. So we went into M&M world real quick. Next time we'll have to do the aquarium and see the white tigers.

One funny thing....
As we were leaving Las Vegas and driving back in the middle of no where, Kelbre yells out: "Daddy, how many times do I have to tell you? Green means go and Red means stop!"

St. George: Being the tourist

St. George Temple
Of course we visited the temple while here. It is so beautiful!

Brigham Young's Summer Home

You never know when your children really are listening......

We were on the tour and the tour guide kept telling us about all the stuff made of pine. Even stuff that looked like marble was actually painted pine. Well we got to the "kitchen" area (which was just a hot stove) and the man held up a really heavy iron. He even let the kids hold it. Then he asked "Who can guess what it is made of?" Robby's response: "Pine!" Sorry honey, the answer was iron! At least he was listening!

Aaron's favorite thing: The pots next to the beds where you went potty.

Robby's favorite thing: The wash tub for kids and laundry.

Kelbre's favorite thing: The old dolls.

Visiting the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon, Arizona

So I had to make the trip educational of course........Oh mom!!
The North Rim is actually pretty close to my dad. It only took us about 2 1/2 hours to get there. It took Robby a minute to brave up but the other kids went right out. Aaron really wanted to go down a bit, but wasn't so happy when he realized that it was up hill on the way back! I stayed as far away as I can. I became a wuss when I got older. It sure is beautiful though!
After visiting the canyon, we traveled to Kanab, Utah which is just on the other side of the border. We stayed in a cabin with the Abuelos and had fun! I ate too many smores on this trip!

At Abuelo's Casa: Feeding the animals

To my surprise, Kelbre actually fed the horse and burrow from her own hand! She loved the animals and especially looking for eggs. It was like an easter egg hunt everyday (helped by the fact that the eggs are different colors). My dad and his wife actually bought her a horse and donkey stuffed animal and she named them after the real ones: "Castana" and "Eyeore." She loves here animals! I loved being around animals again, but getting woken up at dawn with them is hard!

At Abuelo's Casa: Working on the Farm

Abuelo wanted to dig some holes on his property so the boys go to help out. They loved driving the tractor and I have to say my dad is a brave man. Robby almost took Abuelo's head off the first time he tried to move the bucket. In the back you can see the "Shed" which is like another house. This is where we stayed. My dad wanted a place to can and store food and this is what he built. Wow!

In Utah: Fishing and more fishing

Robby reeling in one of grandpa's catches.

Abuelo could actually wade out to the water, so he caught a lot of fish.
But he let the kids reel them in!

Kelbre was the only one to catch a fish on her own.
And she did it on her plastic Barbie rod!
Daddy helps her bring it in......

This was actually the second fishing trip. This time Aaron was the only one to catch a fish!

Trip: Final Days

Hurricane, Utah
This is the last day in Utah. We had planned on visiting the Dorius and Gibb families who live outside of St. George and even stay over night. However, the trip out to Utah was a bit harder than expected, so we decided to leave and go part way to Colorado instead. Before leaving ,we had a fun BBQ and then ate cake to celebrate Robby's b-day the next day. It is fun seeing these kids together. Robby, Josh (to left of Robby hidden), and Allison (to the right of Robby) grew up in Oregon together when we were up in school. It felt like old times and I miss them already!

Glenwood Springs, CO

Here are the kids outside of the hot springs pool in Glenwood Springs. It didn't occur to us to actually take any pictures while swimming. The slide in the background was the hit of the day. Kelbre even went on it with her daddy. She decided once was enough though. The boys managed to go many times! Hard to believe I grew up attending this pool and even took swimming lessons here! It is fun being back although I don't remember it being so expensive (although I was a kid so who knows?).

After a long day of swimming, here we are at Chili's for Robby's birthday dinner. His only request was that he wanted ribs, steak and he wanted the restaurant to sing to him. That actually limited our choices to one. We had a great meal and everyone had a lot of fun!

SO.. we were supposed to stay in Glenwood that night, but we were done traveling! So Robb and I decided to drive straight through and get to Fort Collins late. It was a great trip but we were ready to be home!

Foot Injury

I know this picture doesn't do it justice, but Robby sustained a nasty food injury a couple days before we left for our trip. He was playing with the slip-n-slide and ran over to the water spiket to turn down the water. Well, he slipped and caught the top of his foot underneath the window well covering, cutting it open. You could actually see down his foot. He ended up with 6 stitches. I wish I could have gotten a better picture when it happened, but you don't think about grabbing the camera when your child is screaming!
The funniest part is that I am supposedly at fault. Robby explained that if I hadn't made them do school through Christmas and Spring Breaks, then he wouldn't have finished the year early and be outside playing. He would have been instead and safe.

Arrow of Light

Robby finished cub scouts and earned his Arrow of Light. Congrats Robby!

More of Aaron's Art

Aaron has been working on shading and so they completed these noses.
You are looking at a rabbit nose, gorilla nose and cheetah nose.