Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Trip to Las Vegas

Thanks to Robb's cousin Ryan for finding us a place to eat dinner off the strip. We discovered the wondeful "In and Out burger" that we have heard about. It really so good!
Kelbre never eats burgers, so I was doubtful she would eat here. But then she explained that she wanted a Hamburger, since she doesn't like cheese and then she proceeded to eat the entire thing. I learned something new that day.

View of New York, New York across the street.

on Freemont Street.

In front of Sponge Bob at the Excalibur, where we stayed.

We had fun in Las Vegas, but wished we had planned better so we had more time. We didn't get in until almost dinner time because we got stuck in traffic. Turns out Obama was also visiting and they closed the roads for him. We decided to save some things to do in the morning but it turns out, nothing is open before 11, which is when we had to go. So we went into M&M world real quick. Next time we'll have to do the aquarium and see the white tigers.

One funny thing....
As we were leaving Las Vegas and driving back in the middle of no where, Kelbre yells out: "Daddy, how many times do I have to tell you? Green means go and Red means stop!"

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